3D Printing – Winners


Congratulation to the Winners, The committee will contact all winners by email


Winner No. School Name Teacher Students Final Assignment
Group Name Project Name Project Link
1st Bandung State of Polytechnic,
1. Tria Mariz Arief, SST., M.T (Teacher)
2. Heri Widiantoro, S.ST., M.Eng (Teacher)
1. Dudin Solahudin (student)
2. Yuda Mauluddin (student)
3. Nada Gerandini (student)
4. Riki Robial Tahmi (student)
5. Chaidir Ilham El Malik (student)
3D printing Polban Prototype of Color Sorting Machine made with 3D Printing

Video Link: https://bit.ly/3DPrintingpolbanSACC2019

Project Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=17CjWe16LMDqJjEza1ju-pJ1-o5Iqfbry

2nd  SMK BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 1. Nanang Triyanto (teacher) 1. Theresa Maharani (student)
2. Alexandros Tarigan (student)
3. Adhika Bagaskara (student)
BOSA VHS Creative team IGNEST decorative

Video Link: https://youtu.be/yBo2ASBYczk

Project Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1V-Hn80FY9jFUbLudWPEgsLPD2bVNzcXC

3rd SMKN 3 Depok, Indonesia 1. Rifka Amila, ST., MM (teacher)
2. Fitri Wahyuna, ST. (teacher)
1. Rizky Dwi Mulyo (student)
2. Naufal Muhammad Syafiq (student)
3. Natanael Simanullang (student)
4. Hibatullah Akbar M. (student)
5. Naufal Haidar (student)
Conspro 3D Stand dock phone and passive speaker

Video Link: https://youtu.be/gU6ZXsoSCT0

Project Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ABWSOXx2O5SDlxVJdBR6ivUdy4_wSMWA